Market Share of the Shutter Industry in Japan
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Market Share of the Shutter Industry in Japan

This page analyzes the market share and market size of the shutter manufacturers in Japan. The page also includes an overview of major Japanese shutter companies such as Sanwa Holdings Corporation, Bunka Shutter Co., Ltd, Toyo Shutter Co., Ltd

Market share of the Japanese shutter industry in 2020

Using the sales of the shutter companies listed in the “Latest Global Ranking of Sales by Industry” as the numerator and the market size of the industry described below as the denominator, a simple calculation of market share in 2020 yields the following rankings.

No.1 Sanwa Holdings Corporation 48.08%
No.2 Bunka Shutter Co., Ltd 36.85%
No.3 Toyo Shutter Co., Ltd 4.50%

Market size

This website uses data published by various research companies to calculate the market share of the shutter industry, assuming a global market size of 500 billion yen in 2020. The data used for reference is as follows. According to research firm Fuji Keizai, the 2018 market for external fixtures (residential aluminum sashes, plastic sashes, window shutters, horizontal storm doors, garage shutters, double-glazing, entrance doors, etc.) is 687.4 billion yen. According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Industrial Statistics, the shipment value of shutters is 109.9 billion yen in 2018.

Books to learn more about the industry
The 2021-2026 World Outlook for Residential Iron and Steel Garage Doors
The 2021-2026 World Outlook for Wood Garage Doors

Major shutter companies

Sanwa Holdings Corporation

Sanwa Holdings Corporation, established in 1956, is the largest shutter manufacturer in Japan. Sanwa Shutter is the core company of Sanwa Holdings Corporation, which is also the largest manufacturer of steel doors in Japan. Sanwa has expanded its business in North America and Europe through the acquisition of Overhead Door in the United States in 1996 and Novoferm in Germany in 2003.

Bunka Shutter Co., Ltd

Bunka Shutter Co., Ltd. is a shutter manufacturer established in 1955. The company develops and manufactures a wide range of shutters, including light-weight, heavy-weight, and over-sliding doors. The company is also involved in disaster prevention products. It acquired a significant stake in Fuji Sash, one of major housing material company, to expand our building materials business.

Toyo Shutter Co., Ltd

Toyo Shutter Co., Ltd. is a shutter company based in Osaka, Japan, established in 1955. The company is also strong in steel doors. Toyo Shutter Co., Ltd. has a capital alliance with Hörmann of Germany.

Key observations

The shutter industry is one of the few industries in which Japanese companies have a greater presence than their global competitors. Since there is limited demand for new products in the domestic market such as residential houses, commercial stores, warehouses, etc., further global expansion will be an important strategy in the future. Due to the high cost of transportation, there are many privately held shutter companies in various regions, and even Sanwa Holdings, the largest shutter company in Japan, has a global market share of less than 10%, making the industry structure very diversified. A global distribution network that enables efficient sales and maintenance of shutters suited to regional characteristics, as well as technical support for automatic shutters with security measures that will be increasingly needed in the future, are important elements for growth strategies.


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